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Wouterus Verschuur artwork • painting • for sale Dogs in the music room

Verschuur W.  | Wouterus Verschuur | Paintings offered for sale | Dogs in the music room, oil on canvas 90.0 x 79.0 cm, painted ca. 1848-1850
Verschuur W.  | Wouterus Verschuur | Paintings offered for sale | Dogs in the music room, oil on canvas 90.0 x 79.0 cm, painted ca. 1848-1850

Wouterus Verschuur

Dogs in the music room
oil on canvas 90.0 x 79.0 cm, painted ca. 1848-1850

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 12,500

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    #Wouterus Verschuur #paintings
    Exhibited: Almen, Museum STAAL, ''De Eerste Kus', is Romantiek ook romantisch?', 31 maart 2024-30 maart 2025.

    In his time, Wouterus Verschuur was already a famous horse painter. He learned to capture the anatomy of these animals in perfect detail from his teacher, the cattle painter P.G. from Os. Verschuur was a typical Romantic painter: he emphasized the splendor and strength of these noble animals. Verschuur's paintings show a great sense of composition and the effect of light. The 19th-century painter was also an accomplished painter of dogs, who often appear in supporting roles in his paintings. Sometimes these four-legged friends form the main motif. Verschuur liked to place them in interiors with a lavish and elegant decor.

    Wouterus Verschuur | A seated bulldog, oil on panel, 24.2 x 19.6 cm

    Wouterus Verschuur

    painting • for sale

    A seated bulldog

    Wouterus Verschuur | After the ride, oil on panel, 34.5 x 45.0 cm, signed l.r.

    Wouterus Verschuur

    painting • for sale

    After the ride

    Wouterus Verschuur | Carters with mallejan in a winter landscape, oil on panel, 27.2 x 35.0 cm, signed l.r. and dated 1849

    Wouterus Verschuur

    painting • for sale

    Carters with mallejan in a winter landscape

    Wouterus Verschuur | The refreshment, oil on canvas, 40.5 x 60.3 cm, signed l.l. and painted ca. 1850

    Wouterus Verschuur

    painting • for sale

    The refreshment

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment