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Delft paintings subject • artists • artworks for sale Delft in fine art

Karel Klinkenberg | A view of a town with the Groenmolen and tower of the Nieuwe Kerk of Delft, oil on canvas, 39.5 x 47.4 cm, signed l.r.

Karel Klinkenberg

painting • for sale

A view of a town with the Groenmolen and tower of the Nieuwe Kerk of Delft

Frederik Roosdorp | Sunny cityscape with the Old Church of Delft, oil on canvas, 29.2 x 40.0 cm, signed with initials on the reverse

Frederik Roosdorp

painting • for sale

Sunny cityscape with the Old Church of Delft

Carl Fahringer | View on the Nieuwe Kerk, Delft, oil on canvas laid down on board, 29.9 x 34.9 cm, signed l.r. and without frame

Carl Fahringer

painting • for sale

View on the Nieuwe Kerk, Delft

Bart van Hove | A view of the Oude Kerk in Delft, oil on panel, 42.4 x 54.9 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1841

Bart van Hove

painting • for sale

A view of the Oude Kerk in Delft

Harm Kamerlingh Onnes | The rose bed (Nieuwe Plantage, Delft), Indian ink and chalk on paper, 25.5 x 32.8 cm, signed l.l. with monogram and dated '54

Harm Kamerlingh Onnes

watercolour • drawing • for sale

The rose bed (Nieuwe Plantage, Delft)

J. Beertz | A town view with the Nieuwe Kerk of Delft, watercolour on paper, 38.3 x 26.6 cm, signed l.r.

J. Beertz

watercolour • drawing • for sale

A town view with the Nieuwe Kerk of Delft

Ko Cossaar | The conductor H. v.d. Berg leading a orchestra, drawing on paper, 15.5 x 11.5 cm, signed l.r.

Ko Cossaar

watercolour • drawing • for sale

The conductor H. v.d. Berg leading a orchestra

Adriaan Groenewegen | A view on Delft with the Nieuwe Kerk, watercolour on paper, 24.5 x 34.5 cm, signed l.r.

Adriaan Groenewegen

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A view on Delft with the Nieuwe Kerk