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Anthony Andreas de Meijier artwork • painting • previously for sale A winter landscape with skaters and a koek-en-zopie

Anthony Andreas de Meijier

A winter landscape with skaters and a koek-en-zopie
oil on panel 53.5 x 72.9 cm, signed l.l.

This painting was previously for sale.

De Meijier lived and worked in The Hague and first followed an administrative training before coming to work at Schelfhout's studio in the early 1930s. He befriended his teacher, and in 1836 they traveled together to Germany. De Meijier was very talented and painted winter and summer landscapes, including panoramas and moonlight scenes. The staging of his paintings is strongly reminiscent of that of Schelfhout. In the period 1830-1866 he regularly exhibited his work at the annual Exhibition of Living Masters.

Anthony Andreas de Meijier | A river landscape with anglers, at sunset, oil on panel, 22.6 x 30.0 cm, signed l.r.

Anthony Andreas de Meijier

painting • for sale

A river landscape with anglers, at sunset

Anthony Andreas de Meijier | Skaters on a frozen river near a town, oil on panel, 52.1 x 72.1 cm, signed l.l.

Anthony Andreas de Meijier

painting • for sale

Skaters on a frozen river near a town

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