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Cornelis Lieste artwork • painting • for sale Heathland near Oosterbeek

Lieste C.  | Cornelis Lieste | Paintings offered for sale | Heathland near Oosterbeek, oil on panel 70.9 x 95.2 cm, signed l.l. and painted ca. 1855
Lieste C.  | Cornelis Lieste | Paintings offered for sale | Heathland near Oosterbeek, oil on panel 70.9 x 95.2 cm, signed l.l. and painted ca. 1855

Cornelis Lieste

Heathland near Oosterbeek
oil on panel 70.9 x 95.2 cm, signed l.l. and painted ca. 1855

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 27,000

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    #Cornelis Lieste #paintings#Romanticism #heather #landscape 
    Provenance: Kunsthandel Pieter A. Scheen, Den Haag, 1961; kunsthandel Abels, Keulen, Duitsland; part. bezit Duitsland.
    Literature: Pieter A. Scheen, 'Lexicon Nederlandse beeldende kunstenaars 1750-1880', Den Haag 1981, afb. 189; Jeroen Kapelle e.a., 'Magie van de Veluwezoom', Arnhem 2006, pag. 121, afb. 71 (in kleur), pag. 122; Nina Wevers, 'Op de grote stille heide. Schildersdorpen op de Veluwe', in: 'Op lemen voeten' 2, mei 2008, afb. in kleur pag. 6; Erno Kiljan, Antoon Erftemeijer, 'Cornelis Lieste (1817-1861) - Schilder van het licht/Maler des Lichts', Kleef 2016, pag. 92, 7 (met afb. in kleur) en pag. 192, oeuvrenr. 076 (met afb. in kleur).
    Exhibited: Doorwerth, Museum Veluwezoom, 'Magie van de Veluwezoom: Het culturele leven tussen 1840 en 1900', 26 aug.-3 dec. 2006; Apeldoorn, CODA Museum, 'Schilders op de Veluwe', 20 juni-25 okt. 2009; Kleef, Museum B.C. Koekkoek-Haus, ‘Cornelis Lieste (1817-1861) - Maler des Lichts/Schilder van het Licht’, 21 febr.-19 juni 2016; Enkhuizen, Zuiderzeemuseum, ‘Kunstenaarsdorpen in Europa’, 10 dec. 2022-10 april 2023; Almen, Museum STAAL, ''De Eerste Kus', is Romantiek ook romantisch?', 31 maart 2024-30 maart 2025.

    The Haarlem artist Cornelis Lieste painted landscapes in the best romantic tradition. He attended the Drawing Academy of B.C. Koekoek in Kleve and was a pupil of J. Reekers and N.J. Roosenboom. Sometimes he worked as an assistant to the painters Charles Rochussen, Hendrikus van de Sande Bakhuyzen and Eugène Verboeckhoven. In 1840 he made a study trip to Belgium and Germany (it is possible he attended the aforementioned academy in Kleve at this time). Between 1854 and 1856 he worked in Oosterbeek. Lieste namely painted winter landscapes with dramatic backlighting on wide expanses of ice, highly exaggerated by bare trees. He received various awards for his work and several major museums have Lieste’s work in their collection.

    Cornelis Lieste | A view of the Rijn valley near Oosterbeek, oil on panel, 75.5 x 101.7 cm, signed l.r. and painted ca. 1853-1861

    Cornelis Lieste

    painting • for sale

    A view of the Rijn valley near Oosterbeek

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