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Emile Joseph Patoux artwork • painting • for sale White Azalea japonica

Patoux E.J.  | Emile Joseph Patoux | Paintings offered for sale | White Azalea japonica, oil on canvas 75.8 x 70.5 cm, signed l.l. with monogram and in full
Patoux E.J.  | Emile Joseph Patoux | Paintings offered for sale | White Azalea japonica, oil on canvas 75.8 x 70.5 cm, signed l.l. with monogram and in full

Emile Joseph Patoux

White Azalea japonica
oil on canvas 75.8 x 70.5 cm, signed l.l. with monogram and in full

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 3,900

Exhibited: Eelde, Museum De Buitenplaats, 'Bloemen! van Jan Sluyters en tijdgenoten', 3 juli-19 sept. 2010.

The painter Emile Patoux belongs to the Belgian neo-impressionists. He mainly painted landscapes and figures in a bright, personal colour. During the First World War he was interned as a soldier in Harderwijk, where he painted fishermen and peasant types. For some time in the 1920s, he was interested in divisionism, a method of pointillery in which colors were chosen on the basis of scientific theories. In addition to being a painter, Patoux also worked as an architect and designer of stained glass windows.

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