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Ger Gerrits artwork • painting • for sale Still life with a fruit basket and cake

Ger Gerrits

Still life with a fruit basket and cake
oil on canvas 36.2 x 50.2 cm, signed l.r. and painted in May 1944

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 8,800

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    #Ger Gerrits #paintings#New Realism #Realism #grape #hazelnut #other still lives #pears #still life 
    Literature: Ede, Simonis & Buunk Kunsthandel, 'Frieda Hunziker (1908-1966). Een vitale wereld in kleur en vorm', 2024, pag. 42 (met afb. in kleur).

    Ger Gerrits was a painter and graphic artist who was a key driving force behind the Vrij Beelden, Creatie and Liga Nieuw Beelden artists’ associations in the period after 1945. Having started out as a lithographer, in 1928 he decided to establish himself as an independent artist. In the 1940s he exchanged his figurative, realistic pictorial style for complete abstraction, led by the desire to free art from its pre-war constraints. Colour and form came into their own in his work as fully autonomous elements. In these early years Gerrits showed his pictures under the pseudonym ‘Portheine’, including at an exposition of the Vrij Beelden group in 1949. In 1950, he and Willy Broers founded the Creatie association for artists working in a purely non-figurative idiom.

    Ger Gerrits | Composition with triangles, pastel and gouache on paper, 42.0 x 53.0 cm, signed l.r. and dated 27.8.53.

    Ger Gerrits

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Composition with triangles

    Ger Gerrits | Harbourview, Elburg, watercolour on paper, 37.7 x 30.9 cm, signed l.r. and painted ca. 1939

    Ger Gerrits

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Harbourview, Elburg

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment