Greta Bruigom artwork • watercolour • drawing • for sale Peacock
Greta Bruigom
Delft 1894-1935 Den Haag
watercolour on paper 32.6 x 37.6 cm
This work on paper is for sale.
Price: € 1,100
Greta Bruigom was a beloved and admired animal painter in the 1930s. She painted birds, reptiles, monkeys, mice, lizards and rice birds with love and attention for their character. In addition, the painter made still lives. In her subjects, Greta Bruigom followed in the footsteps of her teacher, the animal painter Cornelis Jan Mension, who also lived and worked in Delft. The artist exhibited in The Hague, Rotterdam and Delft and died at a young age, as a result of which her oeuvre remained small in size.
© Simonis & Buunk