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Henri Lemaire artwork • painting • for sale Wedding gifts in the year 1941

Lemaire H.  | Henri Lemaire | Paintings offered for sale | Wedding gifts in the year 1941, oil on painter's board 35.3 x 54.7 cm, signed l.l. and dated '41
Lemaire H.  | Henri Lemaire | Paintings offered for sale | Wedding gifts in the year 1941, oil on painter's board 35.3 x 54.7 cm, signed l.l. and dated '41

Henri Lemaire

Wedding gifts in the year 1941
oil on painter's board 35.3 x 54.7 cm, signed l.l. and dated '41

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,250

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    #Henri Lemaire #paintings#Classic Modern Art #genre #love 
    Provenance: part. bezit België.

    Henri Lemaire was a Belgian painter and cartoonist. As a student of Mosque Cogan and the academy in Brussels, he specialized in painting and drawing humorous portraits, which were also published in hardcover.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment