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Henri Thomas artwork • painting • for sale In a pensive mood

Henri Thomas

In a pensive mood
oil on panel 22.7 x 17.2 cm, signed l.l. and painted 1919

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 3,300

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    #Henri Thomas #paintings#Impressionism #figures #portrait 

    Henri Thomas liked to paint women. Sometimes they are challenging, often also subdued in theater or cafe. The painter lived and worked mainly in and around Brussels. In the nineties he joined the Sillonists, a group of young painters who opposed the luminism and wanted to return to impressionism. Among these belonged Frans Smeers and Maurice Wagemans. In violent colours and bold forms they painted landscapes, elegant women and nudes. Thomas also painted the mundane life of the Belgian capital, where he showed himself to be a good observer. He also illustrated popular novels.

    Henri Thomas | Dancer in a black dress, oil on canvas, 45.3 x 30.3 cm, signed l.r.

    Henri Thomas

    painting • for sale

    Dancer in a black dress

    Henri Thomas | In the theatre, oil on canvas, 75.2 x 55.5 cm, signed l.r.

    Henri Thomas

    painting • for sale

    In the theatre

    Henri Thomas | Portrait of a woman, in profile, oil on canvas, 50.3 x 40.4 cm, signed l.l.

    Henri Thomas

    painting • for sale

    Portrait of a woman, in profile

    Henri Thomas | Woman in a ball gown with a dog on her lap, oil on canvas, 56.9 x 50.5 cm, signed u.l. and dated 1924

    Henri Thomas

    painting • for sale

    Woman in a ball gown with a dog on her lap

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