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Henri Victor Stiellemans artwork • painting • for sale Lady with a bulldog in the park

Stiellemans H.V.  | Henri Victor Stiellemans | Paintings offered for sale | Lady with a bulldog in the park, oil on canvas 59.9 x 50.0 cm, signed l.r.

Henri Victor Stiellemans

Lady with a bulldog in the park
oil on canvas 59.9 x 50.0 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 4,800

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    #Henri Victor Stiellemans #paintings#Classic Modern Art #figures 
    Provenance: coll. Guus Maris, Haarlem.

    Henri Victor Stiellemans was a student of Herman Richir and Isodoor Verheyden at the academy in Brussels. His oeuvre includes landscapes, for which he drew inspiration in and around Antwerp and in the French Auvergne, flowers and still lifes. The painting 'Lady with bulldog in a park' shows that he was inspired by the colour and imagery of Les Nabis.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment