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Herman Kruyder artwork • prints & multiples • for sale Village church with women and child, Zuid-Limburg

Kruyder H.J.  | 'Herman' Justus Kruyder | Prints and Multiples offered for sale | Village church with women and child, Zuid-Limburg, woodcut on Japanese paper 18.8 x 23.5 cm

Herman Kruyder

Village church with women and child, Zuid-Limburg
woodcut on Japanese paper 18.8 x 23.5 cm

Price: € 250

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    #Herman Kruyder #prints and multiples#Dutch Expressionism #Expressionism #cityscape 
    Provenance: de schilder Theo Lohmann (1880-1963), Blaricum.
    Literature: Haarlem, Frans Halsmuseum, 'Herman Kruyder (1881-1935), gedoemde scheppingen', 1996, pag. 95, 9.20 (met afb. van een ander exemplaar).

    Originally destined to become a house painter, Herman Kruyder developed into one of the most important representatives of expressionism in the Netherlands. He no longer painted visible reality but his inner life, and used subjects that he derived from the country life around him: the village and the people, animals and flowers. Even the portraits he painted are separate from reality and bear witness to a deep, sometimes almost tormented, inner life.

    Herman Kruyder | A clown and an animal, black chalk on paper, 10.0 x 10.2 cm, signed l.l.

    Herman Kruyder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    A clown and an animal

    Herman Kruyder | Forestflowers, oil on canvas, 30.7 x 40.4 cm, painted ca. 1925

    Herman Kruyder

    painting • for sale


    Herman Kruyder | Man with pipe, pencil on paper, 17.3 x 9.6 cm, signed l.r.

    Herman Kruyder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Man with pipe

    Herman Kruyder | Red geranium, gouache on paper, 64.6 x 49.9 cm, signed l.r.

    Herman Kruyder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Red geranium

    Herman Kruyder | Rooftops, Zuid-Limburg, print on paper, 16.3 x 22.5 cm

    Herman Kruyder

    prints & multiples • for sale

    Rooftops, Zuid-Limburg

    Herman Kruyder | Self-portrait (probably), pencil on paper, 25.0 x 21.0 cm, signed l.r.

    Herman Kruyder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Self-portrait (probably)

    Herman Kruyder | Two men with a cow and dog, charcoal on paper, 19.1 x 26.1 cm, signed l.r. and executed ca. 1920

    Herman Kruyder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Two men with a cow and dog

    Herman Kruyder | Village houses and trees, Zuid-Limburg, woodcut on Japanese paper, 18.0 x 23.5 cm

    Herman Kruyder

    prints & multiples • for sale

    Village houses and trees, Zuid-Limburg

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment