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Jac. J. Koeman artwork • watercolour • drawing • previously for sale Figures in the snow, Amsterdam

Jac. J. Koeman

Figures in the snow, Amsterdam
watercolour on paper 19.2 x 25.4 cm, signed l.r.

This work on paper was previously for sale.

Jacobus Jan Koeman was a graphic artist, painter and illustrator who for some time made refined illustrations for the well-known Verkade albums, for instance the My Aquarium album. This laid the foundation for his later watercolors. The painted oeuvre of Jac. J. Koeman includes landscapes, flowers, still lifes and portraits. Originally trained as a craftsman, Koeman worked as a sculptor and ceramist as well as a painter.

Jac. J. Koeman | Cows on the riverbank, oil on board, 61.4 x 81.4 cm, signed l.l.

Jac. J. Koeman

painting • for sale

Cows on the riverbank

Jac. J. Koeman | Violets and forget-me-nots in a glass, oil on canvas, 46.7 x 33.8 cm, signed l.r. and without frame

Jac. J. Koeman

painting • for sale

Violets and forget-me-nots in a glass

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