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Jack Justice artwork • painting • for sale Parrot

Justice J.  | Jack Justice | Paintings offered for sale | Parrot, oil on canvas laid down on board 121.5 x 90.0 cm, signed verso on tape and dated 8/8/1966
Justice J.  | Jack Justice | Paintings offered for sale | Parrot, oil on canvas laid down on board 121.5 x 90.0 cm, signed verso on tape and dated 8/8/1966

Jack Justice

oil on canvas laid down on board 121.5 x 90.0 cm, signed verso on tape and dated 8/8/1966

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 3,300

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    #Jack Justice #paintings#Post-war Abstract painting #abstract #bird #parrot 

    American painter Jack Justice was born in 1941. He showed an interest in Frank Lloyd Wright's designs early on, and his geometric compositions were used by Lloyd Wright and Bruce Goff in their lectures on organic building. His big break came in the early 1960s, with many one-man exhibitions in the Los Angeles area.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment