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Jacobus Doeser artwork • painting • for sale Orchard

Doeser J.J.  | 'Jacobus' Johannes Doeser | Paintings offered for sale | Orchard, oil on canvas 45.3 x 60.5 cm
Doeser J.J.  | 'Jacobus' Johannes Doeser | Paintings offered for sale | Orchard, oil on canvas 45.3 x 60.5 cm

Jacobus Doeser

oil on canvas 45.3 x 60.5 cm

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 3,000

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    #Jacobus Doeser #paintings#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #landscape 

    Jacobus Doeser is primarily known for his colourful, expressive flower pieces on a large scale. However, he also painted portraits, still lifes, landscapes, seascapes and religious scenes. He lived in the artist's village of Laren from 1915 until 1919. From about 1920 until 1939 he lived in Leipzig, after which he resided in Bennebroek until 1969. Doeser took his artistic development into his own hands and developed independent of modern art movements. He was a member of the Amsterdam artist's societies 'Kunst Zij Ons Doel' and 'St. Lucas'.

    Jacobus Doeser | Still life with fruit and ginger jar, oil on canvas, 60.8 x 80.5 cm, signed l.r.

    Jacobus Doeser

    painting • for sale

    Still life with fruit and ginger jar

    Jacobus Doeser | Summer flowers, oil on canvas, 94.8 x 78.0 cm, signed l.r.

    Jacobus Doeser

    painting • for sale

    Summer flowers

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment