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Jan Hendrik van de Laar artwork • painting • for sale Playing checkers in the courtyard

Jan Hendrik van de Laar

Playing checkers in the courtyard
oil on panel 40.8 x 51.1 cm, signed l.l. on the bench and dated 1864

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 3,800

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    #Jan Hendrik van de Laar #paintings#Dutch Romanticism #Romanticism #chess #genre #love 
    Provenance: part. bezit België.

    J.H. van de Laar was a student of the Antwerp Academy and the Akademie van Beeldende Kunsten in The Hague. From 1841 he was employed in Rotterdam and director of the academy founded in 1850. He mainly painted portraits, genre scenes and historical scenes.

    Jan Hendrik van de Laar | Church interior, oil on panel, 36.9 x 27.9 cm

    Jan Hendrik van de Laar

    painting • for sale

    Church interior

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment