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Jan van Heel artwork • painting • for sale Paris (little square)

Heel J.J. van | Johannes Jacobus 'Jan' van Heel | Paintings offered for sale | Paris (little square), oil on panel 51.0 x 34.0 cm, painted ca. 1946

Jan van Heel

Paris (little square)
oil on panel 51.0 x 34.0 cm, painted ca. 1946

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,500

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    #Jan van Heel #paintings#Post-war Figurative Painting #Paris #cityscape 
    Provenance: coll. M. van Rijn, 's-Gravezande, 1946.
    Literature: W. Schrofer, 'Jan van Heel', 's-Gravenhage, 14, afb. pag. 14.

    The Hague painter Jan van Heel originally painted in a tempered Expressionist style. After a sojourn in Paris in 1946 he gradually abandoned figuration for an entirely personal idiom. He mainly used earthy colours, like russet browns, ochres and yellows for his landscapes, figures and still lifes. Van Heel was extremely active in The Hague artists’ societies Verve and Fugare, in which members were united in trying to break with pre-war artistic convention. However they were less radical than the Amsterdam Experimentalists and the Cobra group.

    Jan van Heel | 'Tentje in landschap met gebroken pop' (Tent in a landscape with a broken doll), oil on canvas, 60.1 x 50.3 cm, signed b.c. and dated '77

    Jan van Heel

    painting • for sale

    'Tentje in landschap met gebroken pop' (Tent in a landscape with a broken doll)

    Jan van Heel | Black doll, oil on canvas, 60.4 x 49.9 cm, signed l.c. and on the reverse and dated on the reverse '64

    Jan van Heel

    painting • for sale

    Black doll

    Jan van Heel | Clown's head with autumn leaf, oil on canvas, 60.5 x 50.3 cm, signed l.c.

    Jan van Heel

    painting • for sale

    Clown's head with autumn leaf

    Jan van Heel | Clowns, oil on canvas, 100.1 x 70.3 cm, signed l.c. and to be dated ca. 1945

    Jan van Heel

    painting • for sale


    Jan van Heel | Oil lamp, gouache on paper, 30.5 x 19.0 cm, signed l.c.

    Jan van Heel

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Oil lamp

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