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Jan van Ravenswaay artwork • painting • for sale Dutch meadow landscape with resting cattle

Jan van Ravenswaay

Dutch meadow landscape with resting cattle
oil on canvas 63.0 x 98.0 cm, signed c.b.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,800

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    #Jan van Ravenswaay #paintings#Dutch Romanticism #Romanticism #cow #landscape #meadow #sheep 

    The romantic painter Jan van Ravenswaay studied at the age of 14 with the Amersfoort draftsman Jordanus Hoorn and then received lessons from the livestock painter P.G. van Os. In Amsterdam, Van Ravenwaay studied at the Rijksacademie and made study trips to Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. The artist painted and water-colored finely detailed landscapes with cattle and stall interiors. He was a member of various artistic associations and regularly exhibited his work at the annual Exhibition of Living Masters, including in Haarlem, Amsterdam, The Hague and Leeuwarden.

    Jan van Ravenswaay | Cows in a Dutch Arcadia, oil on panel, 20.9 x 27.0 cm, signed l.r. with initials

    Jan van Ravenswaay

    painting • for sale

    Cows in a Dutch Arcadia

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment