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Liliana Desrets artwork • painting • for sale Soledad

Desrets L.  | Liliana Desrets | Paintings offered for sale | Soledad, wax oil crayon on paper 16.7 x 13.7 cm, signed l.r. and on a label on the reverse and dated '08 and on a label on the reverse 2009

Liliana Desrets

wax oil crayon on paper 16.7 x 13.7 cm, signed l.r. and on a label on the reverse and dated '08 and on a label on the reverse 2009

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,000

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    #Liliana Desrets #paintings#Post-war Figurative Painting #figures #portrait 

    Argentine artist Liliana Desrets studied at the academy in her native Buenos Aires. She later continued her art education in Paris, where she also exhibited in the early 1990s. This was followed by many solo and collective exhibitions. Desrets works in a dramatic figurative style with a free brushstroke and strong colouration. Humans play a leading role in her oeuvre, which includes intimate portraits as well as dynamic group performances.

    Liliana Desrets | Cuidate De Mi, wax oil crayon on paper, 17.1 x 14.2 cm, signed l.c. and on label on the reverse and dated '09

    Liliana Desrets

    painting • for sale

    Cuidate De Mi

    Liliana Desrets | Ni se te occura (Don't even think about it), wax oil crayon on paper, 32.5 x 25.1 cm, signed l.l. with initial and l.r. in full and dated '10

    Liliana Desrets

    painting • for sale

    Ni se te occura (Don't even think about it)

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment