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Lucien Andrion artwork • painting • for sale Horse race in Deauville

Lucien Andrion

Horse race in Deauville
oil on canvas 50.4 x 60.7 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 7,700

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    #Lucien Andrion #paintings#Impressionism #Deauville #horse racing 
    Provenance: part. bezit Duitsland.

    Lucien Adrion worked as a technical draughtsman until 1918, when he moved to Paris and found a job as a fashion illustrator. A restless spirit, he drifted from there to London, Munich, Frankfurt and Berlin, eventually settling in Paris again and making a name for himself as a painter, illustrator and lithographer. In Berlin he had received graphic training under Hermann Struck, whose other pupils included Marc Chagall. Most successful were Adrion's impressionistic scenes of Parisian street life and the fashionable beaches of Normandy and the south of France.

    Lucien Andrion | Sunday at the lake, oil on canvas, 73.0 x 92.2 cm, signed l.l.

    Lucien Andrion

    painting • for sale

    Sunday at the lake

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment