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Marcel René von Herrfeldt artwork • painting • for sale Oriental beauty

Herrfeldt M.C. (von) | Marcel René (von) Herrfeldt | Paintings offered for sale | Oriental beauty, oil on canvas 80.4 x 71.0 cm, signed l.r.

Marcel René von Herrfeldt

Oriental beauty
oil on canvas 80.4 x 71.0 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

The painter Marcel René von Herrfeldt, born in Paris, came from an artistic French family. At a young age he moved to Germany with his mother and stepfather. In Munich, he was taught by the renowned Symbolist painter Franz von Stück. From the beginning of his career as an artist, Von Herrfeldt had a preference for painting nudes. The women depicted are often athletic and confident. In 1921, the painter exhibited for the first time, with a female nude, at an exhibition in Munich. The work was enthusiastically received and his work is still very sought after among a large group of collectors.

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