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Marie Victoire Elisabeth Josepha Augusta van Voorst tot Voorst artwork • watercolour • drawing • previously for sale A flower still life

Voorst tot Voorst M.V.E.J.A. van | Marie Victoire Elisabeth Josepha Augusta van Voorst tot Voorst, A flower still life, watercolour on paper 35.3 x 29.0 cm, signed l.l.

Marie Victoire Elisabeth Josepha Augusta van Voorst tot Voorst

A flower still life
watercolour on paper 35.3 x 29.0 cm, signed l.l.

This work on paper was previously for sale.

Marie Victorine van Voorst tot Voorst is one of the Dutch painters of good family who mainly painted as a hobby. Often they had received professional painting training, but their work was mainly known among a small circle of friends and family. Still lifes, especially flower still lifes, were a favourite subject for this group of female artists. They were often very talented, including this Marie Victorine van Voorst.

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