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Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek II artwork • painting • for sale Rooster and three chickens in the farmyard

Koekkoek II M.A.  | Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek II | Paintings offered for sale | Rooster and three chickens in the farmyard, oil on canvas 24.4 x 34.5 cm, signed l.r.
Koekkoek II M.A.  | Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek II | Paintings offered for sale | Rooster and three chickens in the farmyard, oil on canvas 24.4 x 34.5 cm, signed l.r.

Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek II

Rooster and three chickens in the farmyard
oil on canvas 24.4 x 34.5 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,900

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    #Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek II #paintings#Dutch Romanticism #Romanticism #animals #ducks 
    Exhibited: Amersfoort, Museum Flehite, 'Dat raadt je de Koekkoek', 9 juli-5 nov. 2023.

    Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek, more commonly known as Marinus Adrianus II, belongs to the fourth generation of the Koekkoek family. He was born in Amsterdam and learned the subtle tricks of his painter’s craft from his father Willem. Even as a youth he felt drawn to painting landscapes and animals, partly through his contact with the conservationist Eli Heimans. For instance, in 1903 at the request of the English Duke of Bedford he painted his renowned animal park. Koekkoek was not only a painter but a clever draughtsman with an amazing brush technique. From 1918 to 1938 he was attached to the Natural History Museum, Leiden, as a scientific draughtsman, and almost single-handedly illustrated Prof. E.D. van Oort's 'Ornithologia Neerlandica'. The species and colouring of the animals he painted are faithfully true to life in every detail.

    Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek II | In the barn, oil on canvas, 27.3 x 35.5 cm, signed l.r.

    Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek II

    painting • for sale

    In the barn

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment