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Martin Monnickendam artwork • painting • for sale A farmers family from Markelo

Martin Monnickendam

A farmers family from Markelo
oil on canvas 75.5 x 90.2 cm, signed l.r. and dated 1924

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 11,000

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    #Martin Monnickendam #paintings#Classic Modern Art #Markelo #family #farm #topography 
    Provenance: Simonis & Buunk Kunsthandel, Ede, 1998; coll. Mijndert Pon, Nijkerk (1931-2014), daarna door vererving in bezit gekomen van zijn familie.
    Literature: R.C.J. van Helden en M. Bink, 'In het licht van de kleur, Martin Monnickendam 1874-1943', Zwolle 1999, pag. 26, afb. van het atelier van de schilder in 1934, Stadhouderskade, Amsterdam.

    After his education at the Amsterdam art academy, Martin Monnickendam worked in Paris from 1895 to 1897. There he took the courage to go his own way. His extremely colourful, explosively painted canvases were mentioned by critics in the same breath as the work of Jan Sluijters. In the 1920s he exhibited in Paris, Stockholm and the United States, often as one of the leading Dutch painters. In addition to man-sized canvases depicting crowds, theatres, concert halls, etc., he also made intimate genre pieces and still lifes. Before that, he regularly traveled to the Veluwe. In 1924 the Stedelijk Museum organized an exhibition of his work.

    Martin Monnickendam | Blick aus einem Fenster, chalk, ink and gouache on paper, 38.3 x 26.3 cm, signed l.r. and dated 1926

    Martin Monnickendam

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Blick aus einem Fenster

    Martin Monnickendam | Lodge in the theater, oil on canvas, 84.0 x 51.5 cm, signed u.l. and dated 1922

    Martin Monnickendam

    painting • for sale

    Lodge in the theater

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment