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Oswald Zauche artwork • statue • sculpture • for sale Duck

Oswald Zauche

bronze 39.0 x 59.0 cm, signed on the base

This sculpture is for sale.

Price: € 9,200

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    #Oswald Zauche #sculptures and objects#Realism #other realism #animals #other animals 
    Provenance: part. bezit Duitsland.

    Arno Zauche, sculptor and porcelain ceramist, was born in 1875 in Weimar, Germany. He was trained by the sculptor Adolf von Donndorf and thus belongs to the progressive 'Weimarer Bildhauerschule' in which the artistic talent of the young artists was given plenty of space. After 1913 Zauche became artistic collaborator of the Schwarzburger Werkstätten für Porzellankunst, for which the sculptor Ernst Barlach, among others, also worked. Many bronze fountains and monumental sculptures for government buildings are known by the artist.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment