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Robert Emil Stübner artwork • painting • for sale Afternoon tea

Robert Emil Stübner

Afternoon tea
oil on canvas 95.0 x 85.0 cm, signed u.c.l.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 8,500

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    #Robert Emil Stübner #paintings#Impressionism #still life 
    Exhibited: Den Haag, Museum Mesdag, 'Binnen is het warm en gezellig. Schilderijen van burgerlijke interieurs 1800-1940', 17 dec. 2004-13 maart 2005.

    The German impressionist Robert Emil Stübner became known as a painter of portraits, genre scenes, interiors with figures and sets for theater and ballet. The painter was educated around 1900 at the academies of Breslau and Berlin, and then settled as an artist in the latter city. He is said to have been influenced by the work of John Singer Sargent, the American society painter. Vibrant theatre, variety and opera scenes form a large part of his oeuvre.

    Robert Emil Stübner | The terrace of Café de la Paix on the Place de l'Opéra in Paris, oil on canvas, 60.2 x 75.0 cm, signed l.r.

    Robert Emil Stübner

    painting • for sale

    The terrace of Café de la Paix on the Place de l'Opéra in Paris

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment