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Sarika Góth artwork • painting • for sale A doll in a chair

Sarika Góth

A doll in a chair
oil on canvas 58.2 x 47.2 cm, signed u.l. and dated 1979

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,800

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    #Sarika Góth #paintings#Classic Modern Art #Dutch classic modernism #doll #still life 

    Sarika Góth was born in Vienna and lived in Budapest and Paris before her Hungarian parents settled permanently in Zeeland. She trained as a painter at the art academy in The Hague and was mentored by Jan Toorop and Jo Koster, amongst others. Her preferred subjects were portraits, still lifes and fantasy scenes with birds and horses. She was a member of the Zeeland art society, the Zeeuwse Kunstkring.

    Sarika Góth | Dolls, oil on canvas, 60.4 x 91.5 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1948

    Sarika Góth

    painting • for sale


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