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Thérèse Schwartze artwork • painting • for sale Portrait of Lizzy Ansingh with hat

Schwartze T.  | Thérèse Schwartze | Paintings offered for sale | Portrait of Lizzy Ansingh with hat, oil on panel 24.0 x 17.9 cm, signed u.r. with initials

Thérèse Schwartze

Portrait of Lizzy Ansingh with hat
oil on panel 24.0 x 17.9 cm, signed u.r. with initials

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 7,500

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    #Thérèse Schwartze #paintings#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #hat #portrait #woman 
    Provenance: Kunstgalerij Albricht, Arnhem; part. coll. Loenen aan de Vecht.

    Thérèse Schwartze was the daughter of the portrait painter J.G. Schwartze, from whom she received her first lessons. Afterwards she attended the Academy in Munich. There she copied the work of Rubens and Velasquez, which contributed significantly to her often praised virtuoso style of painting and her rich palette. A successful portrait of Queen Emma with Princess Wilhelmina in 1881 earned her many portrait commissions from the well-to-do position. She also painted figure pieces and some still lifes.

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