Willem Carel Nakken artwork • painting • for sale Haytime
Willem Carel Nakken
Den Haag 1835-1926 Rijswijk
oil on canvas 52.1 x 76.6 cm, signed l.l.
This painting is for sale.
Price: € 8,800
Willem Carel Nakken was a painter of sun drenched landscapes and farmsteads, often with horses as staffage. Having first worked in and around The Hague, Oosterbeek and Limburg, from 1867 on, several study trips to Normandy provided him with subject matter for his paintings. The handsome, thickset horses he painted earned him a reputation as equestrian artist. He was often commissioned to paint portraits of horses and sometimes also of dogs, prized bulls and cattle.
© Simonis & Buunk