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Dirk van Lokhorst artwork • painting • for sale Sheep and lambs in a stable

Dirk van Lokhorst

Sheep and lambs in a stable
oil on panel 18.0 x 24.7 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1876

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,800

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    #Dirk van Lokhorst #paintings#Dutch Romanticism #Romanticism #animals #sheep 

    The Utrecht painter Dirk van Lokhorst mainly painted, etched and lithographed meadow landscapes with cattle and figures. He also painted stable interiors and moors with sheep. Van Lokhorst was a student of J.W. Bilders, one of the most important predecessors of the Hague School, and of the animal painter A. Verhoesen.

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment