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George Willem Opdenhoff artwork • painting • for sale Unloading the catch

George Willem Opdenhoff

Unloading the catch
oil on canvas 70.7 x 97.7 cm, signed l.l.

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    #George Willem Opdenhoff #paintings#Romanticism #beach figures #beach view 
    Literature: Ede, Simonis & Buunk Kunsthandel, 'Onsterfelijk Schoon. De landschappen van Andreas Schelfhout (1787-1870) en zijn leerlingen', 2005, afb. in kleur pag. 54.
    Exhibited: Ede, Simonis & Buunk Kunsthandel, 'Onsterfelijk Schoon. De landschappen van Andreas Schelfhout (1787-1870) en zijn leerlingen', 27 jan.-13 maart 2005.

    Opdenhoff was the only one of Andreas Schelfhout’s pupils who solely painted seascapes. The influence of J.C. Schotel, who previously taught him, is probably the reason for this. It was from him that he learned about various types of ships and their distinctive rigging as well as practising how to paint choppy waters. By Schelfhout he was taught the balanced division of motifs across the canvas and diagonal composition. Certainly, whenever he took what his mentors taught him seriously, he attained a high artistic level with his splendidly detailed harbour, sea and river views.

    George Willem Opdenhoff | Sailing ships on rough seas, oil on panel, 14.6 x 23.4 cm, signed l.l.

    George Willem Opdenhoff

    painting • for sale

    Sailing ships on rough seas

    George Willem Opdenhoff | Shipping in a calm, oil on canvas, 60.2 x 79.3 cm, signed l.r. and without frame

    George Willem Opdenhoff

    painting • for sale

    Shipping in a calm

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment