Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof artwork • painting • for sale Sea anemones
Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof
Zwollerkerspel 1866-1924 Overveen
Sea anemones
oil on canvas 15.4 x 24.0 cm, signed l.r. with monogram
This painting is for sale.
Price: € 1,800
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Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof started his artist career as an innovative craftsman, especially in the area of decorations in flat ornament that he would apply to furniture and wall decorations. Dijsselhof was therefore one of the driving forces behind the New Art, the renewal of the Dutch arts and crafts at the end of the 19th century, also referred to as Art Nouveau. Then in 1901 he also started painting landscapes and especially fish and sea animals, which he studied in the aquarium of Artis. Almost all major museums have his work.