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Hendrik Dirk Kruseman van Elten artwork • painting • for sale Landscape with cornfield and fishermen

Hendrik Dirk Kruseman van Elten

Landscape with cornfield and fishermen
oil on panel 28.0 x 37.0 cm, signed l.l.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,500

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    #Hendrik Dirk Kruseman van Elten #paintings#Oosterbeek School #landscape #summer 

    During his apprenticeship with the landscape painter Cornelis Lieste, Kruseman van Elten met the artists Jan de Haas and Gabriel. Together they went to Oosterbeek, the ‘Dutch Barbizon’, in 1853 to make studies from nature, staying outdoors from early in the morning until late at night. While there, Van Elten came down with a severe cold that left him permanently deaf. He subsequently moved to Brussels, as did Gabriel, and thereafter to New York, where he stayed until 1897, though he still made regular trips back to the Netherlands to gain inspiration and paint in and around Kortenhoef with Gabriel.

    Hendrik Dirk Kruseman van Elten | A farm near the water-front, oil on canvas, 36.1 x 57.8 cm, signed l.r

    Hendrik Dirk Kruseman van Elten

    painting • for sale

    A farm near the water-front

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment