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Hendrik Jacobus Scholten artwork • painting • for sale Visiting the newly-born

Scholten H.J.  | Hendrik Jacobus Scholten | Paintings offered for sale | Visiting the newly-born, oil on panel 38.0 x 47.1 cm, signed l.l. and dated '52

Hendrik Jacobus Scholten

Visiting the newly-born
oil on panel 38.0 x 47.1 cm, signed l.l. and dated '52

This painting is for sale.

price range: € 2,500 - € 5,000

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    #Hendrik Jacobus Scholten #paintings#Dutch Romanticism #Romanticism #family #genre 

    H.J. Scholten painted, watercoloured and etched anecdotal genre pieces, interiors with elegant figures and historical scenes. He completed an apprenticeship as a painter in Amsterdam, as a student of the well-known genre and portrait painter P.F. Greive. His interiors with figures strongly remind of those of the 17th-century painter Pieter de Hoogh. Scholten also painted scenes from Dutch history, with an emphasis on the period of the Golden Age. In 1872 he became curator of the Teylers Foundation in Haarlem (the later Teylers Museum).

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment