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Hermanus Koekkoek jr. artwork • painting • previously for sale Sailing vessels off the English coast

Koekkoek jr. H.  | Hermanus Koekkoek jr., Sailing vessels off the English coast, oil on canvas 60.9 x 91.5 cm, signed l.r.

Hermanus Koekkoek jr.

Sailing vessels off the English coast
oil on canvas 60.9 x 91.5 cm, signed l.r.

This painting was previously for sale.

Provenance: part. coll. Engeland.

A pupil of his father Hermanus Sr, he lived and worked in Amsterdam and Nieuwer-Amstel (now Amstelveen). During the eighteen sixties he regularly stayed in London, where he settled permanently in 1869 and opened an art gallery in 1880. As well as his own paintings, Hermanus Jr sold a lot of work in England of family members, including his father and uncle B.C. Koekkoek. He himself painted sea, river and beach views and also worked under the pseudonym 'Jan van Couver'.He also worked with the landscape painter Lion Schulman both in England and the Netherlands. Around 1880 his work became less romantic and the influence of The Hague School is more evident.

Hermanus Koekkoek jr. | A view of a town on a river, watercolour on paper, 50.9 x 75.8 cm, signed l.r. with pseudonym 'J. van Couver'

Hermanus Koekkoek jr.

watercolour • drawing • for sale

A view of a town on a river

Hermanus Koekkoek jr. | Brik off the coast in heavy weather, oil on panel, 28.1 x 44.1 cm, signed l.r.

Hermanus Koekkoek jr.

painting • for sale

Brik off the coast in heavy weather

Hermanus Koekkoek jr. | Children fishing along a riverbank, watercolour on paper, 22.0 x 32.0 cm, signed l.r.

Hermanus Koekkoek jr.

watercolour • drawing • for sale

Children fishing along a riverbank

Hermanus Koekkoek jr. | Mending the nets in stormy weather, oil on panel, 18.8 x 33.0 cm, signed l.l.

Hermanus Koekkoek jr.

painting • for sale

Mending the nets in stormy weather

Hermanus Koekkoek jr. | Shipping off the coast, oil on panel, 78.4 x 120.3 cm, signed l.r. and dated 1868

Hermanus Koekkoek jr.

painting • for sale

Shipping off the coast

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