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Jan Jordens artwork • watercolour • drawing • for sale Self portrait of the artist

Jan Jordens

Self portrait of the artist
ink on paper 26.7 x 26.4 cm, signed l.r. and dated '57

This work on paper is for sale.

Price: € 1,000

A member of De Ploeg painting group, Jordens trained as a draughtsman in The Hague and Amsterdam, a skill he was to practice with great dedication throughout his life, first in Warffum (1907-1916) and then in Groningen. At the same time, as an artist he had a continual urge to innovate and experiment, which he expressed in a lifelong search for new forms and techniques. Inevitably when De Ploeg was founded in 1918 he instantly became a member of the artists’ society. The colour and presentation of his early work bears a certain affinity with that of Jan Wiegers, even though his palette was generally warmer than that of his fellow Ploeg member. After 1932-1933 he made Cubist type compositions and his work gradually became more abstract.

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