Johan Hendrik van Mastenbroek artwork • painting • for sale Winter fun on a Dutch canal
Johan Hendrik van Mastenbroek
Rotterdam 1875-1945
Winter fun on a Dutch canal
oil on canvas 47.2 x 71.2 cm, signed l.r. and dated 1933
This painting is for sale.
Price: € 97,000
Provenance: part. coll. Nederland.
Literature: Antoon Erftemeijer, ‘Zó Hollands. Het Hollandse landschap in de Nederlandse kunst sinds 1850’, Haarlem 2011, afb. in kleur pag. 40.
Exhibited: Haarlem, Frans Hals Museum/De Hallen, 'Zó Hollands. Het Hollandse landschap in de Nederlandse kunst van 1850 tot heden', 24 juni-11 sept. 2011; Enkhuizen, Zuiderzeemuseum, 'Winterkoorts', 3 dec. 2021-13 maart 2022.
Johan Hendrik van Mastenbroek became known as the painter of the ports of Rotterdam, the river Maas and the Zuiderzee. His work documents the great technical progress and rapid liveliness of the Rotterdam ports after 1900. The painter sketched out at rainy weather to capture the beauty of the skies and bright colours. Mastenbroek already achieved great succes during his life with his work.
© Simonis & Buunk