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Margaretha Roosenboom artwork • painting • for sale Roses on a Spanish guitar

Roosenboom M.C.J.W.H.  | 'Margaretha' Cornelia Johanna Wilhelmina Henriëtta Roosenboom | Paintings offered for sale | Roses on a Spanish guitar, oil on canvas 110.8 x 75.9 cm
Roosenboom M.C.J.W.H.  | 'Margaretha' Cornelia Johanna Wilhelmina Henriëtta Roosenboom | Paintings offered for sale | Roses on a Spanish guitar, oil on canvas 110.8 x 75.9 cm

Margaretha Roosenboom

Roses on a Spanish guitar
oil on canvas 110.8 x 75.9 cm

This painting is for sale.

price range: € 25,000 - € 50,000

Provenance: part. bezit Zuid-Afrika.

Margaretha Roosenboom, the daughter of Nicolaas Roosenboom, specialized in painting flower and fruit still lifes and was one of the first professional painters in the Netherlands. Her still lifes were innovative. She broke with the tradition of the ordered showy still life and opted for a more spontaneous and looser rendering of just one or a few types of flowers. In this case for climbing roses that she does not place in a vase, but playfully climbs up against a Spanish guitar.

Margaretha Roosenboom | Chrysanthemums on a stone ledge, oil on canvas, 35.7 x 56.4 cm, signed l.r.

Margaretha Roosenboom

painting • for sale

Chrysanthemums on a stone ledge

Margaretha Roosenboom | Pink roses on a stone ledge, watercolour and gouache on paper, 35.1 x 53.3 cm, signed l.r.

Margaretha Roosenboom

watercolour • drawing • for sale

Pink roses on a stone ledge

Margaretha Roosenboom | Still life with grapes, a lemon and flowers on the forest floor, oil on panel, 29.5 x 40.1 cm, signed l.l.

Margaretha Roosenboom

painting • for sale

Still life with grapes, a lemon and flowers on the forest floor

Margaretha Roosenboom | White chrysanthemums on a stone ledge, watercolour on paper, 44.6 x 74.9 cm, signed l.r.

Margaretha Roosenboom

watercolour • drawing • for sale

White chrysanthemums on a stone ledge

Margaretha Roosenboom | Yellow Roses, watercolour on paper, 53.5 x 36.0 cm

Margaretha Roosenboom

watercolour • drawing • for sale

Yellow Roses

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