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Marius Bauer artwork • painting • for sale The blind beggar

Marius Bauer

The blind beggar
oil on canvas 62.8 x 50.8 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 14,500

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    #Marius Bauer #paintings#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #Oriental #figures #genre 
    Provenance: part. bezit E.A. Veltman, Bloemendaal; Kunsthandel E.J. van Wisselingh & Co, 3329x, 1937.
    Literature: tent. cat. Stedelijk Museum, 'Eere tentoonstelling M.A.J. Bauer', Amsterdam 1933, 233, afb. 10; tent. cat. Kunsthandel E.J. van Wisselingh & Co, 'Mari Alexander Jacques Bauer. Keuze-tentoonstelling van schilderijen ontstaan in de jaren 1898-1915', Amsterdam 1937, 15 (zonder afb.).
    Exhibited: Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 'Eere tentoonstelling M.A.J. Bauer', 11 maart-6 april 1933; Amsterdam, Kunsthandel E.J. van Wisselingh & Co, 'Mari Alexander Jacques Bauer. Keuze-tentoonstelling van schilderijen ontstaan in de jaren 1898-1915', 17 juli-28 aug. 1937.

    Marius Bauer came from an art-loving environment and visited the Haagse Academie from 1879 to 1885 together with Breitner, De Zwart and Willem van Konijnenburg. Initially, he was primarily known as an etcher, but after the turn of the century, Bauer developed more and more into a watercolorist and painter. First these were still lifes and scenes from the mundane life, colorful and sketchy portrayed under the influence of the Hague School and French impressionists such as Degas. In 1888 he made a trip to Constantinople. From that time on, the exotic atmosphere of the Near East was a source of inspiration for him.

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