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Piet Ouborg artwork • watercolour • drawing • for sale Untitled

Ouborg P.  | Pieter 'Piet' Ouborg | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | Untitled, watercolour on paper 25.0 x 17.3 cm
Ouborg P.  | Pieter 'Piet' Ouborg | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | Untitled, watercolour on paper 25.0 x 17.3 cm

Piet Ouborg

watercolour on paper 25.0 x 17.3 cm

This work on paper is for sale.

Price: € 2,000

Provenance: Met verso echtheidsverklaring van Jos de Gruyter: 'Ondergetekende verklaart dat dit een authentiek werk van P. Ouborg is. W. Jos. de Gruyter' en nr. 1386.

Piet Ouborg is considered one of the go-getters of modern art in the Netherlands. He spent the years 1916-1938 in the Dutch East Indies. This period was decisive for his artistic development. He fell under the spell of Eastern art, which is strongly linked to the mystical and spiritual. He also felt closely related to the European Surrealists: he shared their view that the task of art is to make the unconscious visible. Ouborg developed his own interpretation of surrealism, which gradually evolved into abstract expressionism. His work often shows a great lightness and spontaneity of the gesture and is related to the art of the Cobra movement, more discreet, but just as vital. Ouborg was a member of Vrij Beelden (1946-47) and Liga Nieuw Beelden (1955-56)

Piet Ouborg | Composition, gouache and sand on paper, 27.0 x 40.5 cm, signed l.r. and on the reverse and executed ca. 1949

Piet Ouborg

painting • for sale


Piet Ouborg | Dynamic lightness, oil on canvas, 50.2 x 64.5 cm, signed l.r. and painted circa 1949

Piet Ouborg

painting • for sale

Dynamic lightness

Piet Ouborg | Figuren tussen roependen (Figures between those shouting), ink and gouache on paper, 49.0 x 64.5 cm, executed ca. 1945-1950

Piet Ouborg

watercolour • drawing • for sale

Figuren tussen roependen (Figures between those shouting)

Piet Ouborg | Five figures, oil on canvas, 49.5 x 77.5 cm, executed ca. 1954

Piet Ouborg

painting • for sale

Five figures

Piet Ouborg | In heftige beweging (In Violent Motion), gouache on paper laid down on board, 50.5 x 65.1 cm, signed l.r. with initials and dated '48

Piet Ouborg

watercolour • drawing • for sale

In heftige beweging (In Violent Motion)

Piet Ouborg | Untitled, gouache and collage op paper, 36.2 x 50.7 cm, executed ca. 1946-1948

Piet Ouborg

painting • for sale


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