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Roelf Gerbrands artwork • painting • for sale The dancing contest

Roelf Gerbrands

The dancing contest
oil on painter's cardboard 23.8 x 31.8 cm, signed l.l. with initials

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 10,500

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    #Roelf Gerbrands #paintings#Impressionism #dancing #interior #lampion 
    Provenance: Herkomst: coll. B. Houthakker, Amsterdam.

    The Haarlem artist Roelf Gerbrands became known as an ornamental and industrial artist before making a name for himself as a painter and draftsman. After training at the Rijksnormaalschool for drawing education, he worked in Amsterdam at the furniture studio of Kunsthandel Van Wisselingh under Theo Nieuwenhuis. He designed furniture, silver, jewellery, book bindings and stained glass windows, including for ships. Only when he had built up a reputation for this he started painting. Mainly landscapes, flower still lifes and a single cityscape in a free-impressionistic style. Gerbrands was a member of De Onafhankelijken, the VANK and Kunst Zij Ons Doel.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment