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Simon Andreas Krausz artwork • painting • for sale Skaters by moonlight

Simon Andreas Krausz

Skaters by moonlight
oil on panel 21.6 x 18.3 cm

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,500

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    #Simon Andreas Krausz #paintings#Dutch Romanticism #Romanticism #icescape 
    Provenance: coll. v.d. Hoeven, Werkhoven.

    The painter, watercolourist and draftsman Simon Andreas Krausz was born in The Hague. He was taught by Léonard Defrance in Liège and then attended the Haagse Teekenacademie. The painter made a name for himself with early romantic ice scenes and landscapes. His fine animal and figure studies are also known. Krausz was a member of the Confrèrie Pictura, a sort of successor to the St Lucasgilde in The Hague, which counted many gifted painters from The Hague among its members. He was a teacher of Hendrikus van de Sande Bakhuyzen.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment