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Simon Steenmeijer artwork • watercolour • drawing • previously for sale The Noorderplantsoen in Groningen

Steenmeijer S.J.  | Siemen Johannes 'Simon' Steenmeijer, The Noorderplantsoen in Groningen, chalk on paper 47.3 x 32.3 cm, signed l.l. with initials and dated nov. '45

Simon Steenmeijer

The Noorderplantsoen in Groningen
chalk on paper 47.3 x 32.3 cm, signed l.l. with initials and dated nov. '45

This work on paper was previously for sale.

Literature: Cees Hofsteenge, 'De Ploeg 1918-1941. De hoogtijdagen', Groningen 1993, afb. in kleur pag. 220.

Simon Steenmeijer Received his training at Minerva and was a member of the Groninger Ploeg from the very beginning; he was one of the signatories of the invitation of the founding meeting on June 5, 1918. He played an active role in the board and in the organization of the exhibition. He had a photo shop with his brother Jan Cornelis, who was also a member of De Ploeg for a short time. Probably partly due to his busy work from 1925, the oeuvre of this artist has remained modest in size; it mainly includes watercolours and chalk drawings of landscapes in expressionist style. After 1945 he traveled several times with Wiegers to France, Switzerland and Italy where they both drew and painted.

Simon Steenmeijer | Blankeweer house, chalk and watercolour on paper, 54.8 x 37.6 cm, painted ca. 1955

Simon Steenmeijer

watercolour • drawing • for sale

Blankeweer house

Simon Steenmeijer | Country road, Groningen, crayon and watercolour on paper, 54.8 x 37.6 cm, signed l.r. with monogram

Simon Steenmeijer

watercolour • drawing • for sale

Country road, Groningen

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