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Willem Rip artwork • painting • for sale Sunny day at Overschie

Rip W.C.  | 'Willem' Cornelis Rip | Paintings offered for sale | Sunny day at Overschie, oil on canvas 26.2 x 42.1 cm, signed l.r.

Willem Rip

Sunny day at Overschie
oil on canvas 26.2 x 42.1 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 5,500

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Willem Rip belongs to the top of the so-called 'after bloom' of the Haagse School. He painted a few portraits, but especially landscapes with a lot of attention for light and mood. His strength lies in his sense of space and in his skies with a sun breaking through the clouds. Sometimes Rip also painted landscapes in the neighborhood of Bloemendaal, in North Brabant and in Limburg. In 1895 he moved from Rotterdam to The Hague, where he became friends with Jozef Israëls and regularly exhibited in Pulchri Studio.

Willem Rip | Polder landscape, watercolour on paper, 35.5 x 48.5 cm, signed l.l.

Willem Rip

watercolour • drawing • for sale

Polder landscape

Willem Rip | River landscape with moored barges, watercolour on paper, 35.5 x 50.7 cm, signed l.r.

Willem Rip

watercolour • drawing • for sale

River landscape with moored barges

Willem Rip | Sunset at Hillesluis, oil on canvas laid down on panel, 14.4 x 19.3 cm, signed l.r.

Willem Rip

painting • for sale

Sunset at Hillesluis

Willem Rip | Windmills and barges at sunset, oil on canvas, 36.9 x 55.5 cm, signed l.r.

Willem Rip

painting • for sale

Windmills and barges at sunset

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