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Willem Roelofs artwork • painting • for sale Behind the farm

Willem Roelofs

Behind the farm
oil on panel 22.1 x 37.7 cm, signed l.r. and painted ca. 1855-1860

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 25,000

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    #Willem Roelofs #paintings#Hague School #landscape #summer 
    Provenance: rechtstreeks verworven van de kunstenaar door jhr. mr. L.C.J.A. van Meeuwen (1844-1927), 's-Hertogenbosch, daarna door vererving in bezit gekomen van diens dochter Maria van Lanschot-van Meeuwen, Helvoirt.
    Literature:, Den Haag, Pulchri Studio, 'Eere-Tentoonstelling Willem Roelofs', 1907, 38; 'Willem Roelofs. 100 Lichtdrukken naar zijn werken vertegenwoordigd op de Eere-Tentoonstelling in 'Pulchri Studio', October 1907', Amsterdam 1909, 22 (met afb.).
    Exhibited: Den Haag, Pulchri Studio, 'Eere-Tentoonstelling Willem Roelofs', okt. 1907; Woerden, Stadsmuseum Woerden, 'Boeren van toen. De Haagse School in het Groene Hart rond 1900', 8 juni-10 nov. 2019.

    Willem Roelofs is regarded as the major forerunner of the Hague School. He painted woodland scenes and extensive landscapes in which he unerringly conveys the openness and flatness of the Dutch polder land with its dykes and cattle under a cloudy sky. Influenced by the French School of Barbizon, he often took himself off to paint directly from nature. In so doing, he was able to capture in a single free brushstroke the constantly changing effect of light and shadow on the landscape. For the greater part of his life he lived in Brussels, but often returned to the Netherlands to paint and gain inspiration.

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    painting • for sale

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment