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Albert Roelofs artwork • painting • for sale Sleeping baby

Albert Roelofs

Sleeping baby
oil on canvas 60.2 x 50.0 cm, signed l.r. and dated '17

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 105,000

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    #Albert Roelofs #paintings#Impressionism #family #genre 
    Provenance: Teyler's Stichting, Haarlem, 1917; veiling S.J. Mak van Waay, Amsterdam, 25 mei 1966, lotnr. 432 (met afb.); part. coll. Chicago, Verenigde Staten. Christie’s Amsterdam 1999 (voorpag.).
    Literature: Amsterdam, Arti et Amicitiae, 'Tentoonstelling van schilderijen en beeldhouwwerken vervaardigd door leden der Maatschappij', 1917, 112; Den Haag, Pulchri Studio, 'Voorjaarstentoonstelling', 1917, 11 (afgebeeld op de uitnodiging); Den Haag, Haagsche Kunstkring, 'Tentoonstelling ter opening der nieuwe kunstzalen', 1917, 67; 'Vrouw en Kroniek', jan. 1917 (met afb.); 'Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant', maart 1917; H.J. Scholten e.a., 'Catalogus van de schilderijen der kunstverzameling van Teyler's Stichting te Haarlem', Haarlem 1920, 172; Jan Juffermans, 'Albert Roelofs 1877-1920', Den Haag 1982, pag. 204, 75 en afb. 75 en pag. 104, 'Verkoopboek', nr. 193.
    Exhibited: Amsterdam, Arti et Amicitiae, 'Tentoonstelling van schilderijen en beeldhouwwerken vervaardigd door leden der Maatschappij', april-mei 1917; Den Haag, Pulchri Studio, 'Voorjaarstentoonstelling', 1917, (afgebeeld op de uitnodiging); Den Haag, Haagsche Kunstkring, 'Tentoonstelling ter opening der nieuwe kunstzalen', okt.-nov. 1917; Scheveningen, Muzee Scheveningen, 'Schilderen en wonen op Scheveningen in de Belle Epoque', 4 juli-28 sept. 2008.

    Albert Roelofs was born in Brussels in 1877, the son of the famous landscape artist Willem Roelofs. After some initial drawing and painting lessons by his father, he attended the academy in The Hague from 1893. Three years later he returned to his native city. Initially, the young Roelofs mainly painted still lifes, then he developed a preference for genre paintings and portraits. His most loyal model was his wife, Tjieke, who inspired him to produce countless figure paintings that speak of intimate and homely happiness. His work was especially popular among the Belgian bourgeoisie.

    Albert Roelofs | A mother's happiness, oil on panel, 17.8 x 13.8 cm, signed l.r. and dated 1914

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    Albert Roelofs | A walk in the woods, oil on panel, 40.1 x 30.7 cm, signed l.r. (with traces) and on a label on the reverse and painted ca. 1900-1905

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    painting • for sale

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    Albert Roelofs | In the park, oil on panel, 39.5 x 31.8 cm, signed l.r.

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    Albert Roelofs | Oil study of figures and a playing child, oil on panel, 16.9 x 22.4 cm

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    Oil study of figures and a playing child

    Albert Roelofs | Skaters in a Dutch winter landscape, oil on canvas, 39.8 x 60.3 cm, painted 1899

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    Albert Roelofs | Study of a male nude, black and white chalk on paper, 34.2 x 17.2 cm

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    Albert Roelofs | Windmills, oil on canvas, 70.8 x 100.5 cm, signed l.l. and painted ca. 1899

    Albert Roelofs

    painting • for sale


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