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Ben Viegers artwork • painting • for sale Behind the Grote Kerk, Den Haag

Ben Viegers

Behind the Grote Kerk, Den Haag
oil on paper laid down on panel 18.2 x 14.5 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,700

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    #Ben Viegers #paintings#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #cityscape 

    Ben Viegers was initially strongly influenced by the Hague School as a painter. Gradually, however, his gray tones made way for a Mediterranean colorite and clear light. This was further enhanced by a short, impressionistic touch, which together with sizzling colors such as cobalt blue, orange and sea green would become his trademark. Like so many contemporaries, Viegers regularly painted in the Veluwe. He also lived for a long time in Nunspeet, where the landscape and the farming population were a constant source of inspiration for him.

    Ben Viegers | A farmyard in spring, oil on canvas, 37.2 x 50.2 cm, signed l.r. and painted 1918, without frame

    Ben Viegers

    painting • for sale

    A farmyard in spring

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment