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Henk van Leeuwen artwork • painting • for sale Square in Toledo

Henk van Leeuwen

Square in Toledo
oil on canvas 50.4 x 40.5 cm, signed l.l.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,250

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    #Henk van Leeuwen #paintings#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #Spain #cityscape #summer 

    The painter Henk van Leeuwen, who also called himself Van Leeuwen van Oudewater, was an impressionist in the tradition of the Hague School. His landscapes are strongly influenced by mood and in their powerful construction in light and dark tones they are occasionally reminiscent of those of Jacob Maris. In some paintings, impressionism and expressionism go hand in hand: in broad strokes he gives his impression of a landscape or village, while at the same time expressing his feelings in colour and form. Van Leeuwen was educated at the Hague Academy, received advice from Willem de Zwart and studied in Paris after 1923, among others at the Académie Julian and 'La Grande Chaumière'.

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment