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Toon Kelder artwork • painting • for sale The barrel organ

Toon Kelder

The barrel organ
oil on canvas 76.0 x 64.4 cm, signed u.r. and dated 7 '26

This painting is for sale.

price range: € 2,500 - € 5,000

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    #Toon Kelder #paintings#Classic Modern Art #barrel organ #evening #figures 
    Provenance: coll. Piet Boendermaker, Bergen, 3076/157.
    Literature: 'Catalogus Collectie Boendermaker, taxatielijst 1932/1933' in: Piet Spijk, 'De Bergense School en Piet Boendermaker, kunstverzamelaar in Amsterdam en Bergen', Zwolle 1997, pag. 236, 29 (als 'Orgeldraaier'); Piet Spijk, 'Piet Boendermaker. Mecenas van de Bergense School', Zwolle 2015, pag. 268, nr. 3076/157

    Toon Kelder is one of a number of painters inspired by the Parisian avant-garde artists to develop a highly personal style in the early years of the twentieth century. At the same time, his work was shaped by a constant drive to innovate. In the 1920s he painted flowers, figures and nudes – mostly using his wife Alexandrine as a model – all rendered in expressive colours. Through the 1930s up to around 1945, he evolved subtly stylised female forms depicted in soft, hazy hues, but also riders on horseback and mythical figures in wooded landscapes. After 1945 he gave up figurative painting and devoted himself to creating abstract sculptures.

    Toon Kelder | A lady drinking tea with pastry and a grammophone, oil on canvas, 90.4 x 110.4 cm, signed u.r.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    A lady drinking tea with pastry and a grammophone

    Toon Kelder | A still life with flowers, a vase and a lemon, gouache on paper, 40.0 x 28.2 cm, signed l.r.

    Toon Kelder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    A still life with flowers, a vase and a lemon

    Toon Kelder | Abstract composition, gouache on paper, 77.0 x 68.0 cm, signed l.r. and dated '69

    Toon Kelder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Abstract composition

    Toon Kelder | Arum lilies in a vase, oil on canvas, 98.2 x 80.1 cm, signed l.r. and dated feb 1926

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Arum lilies in a vase

    Toon Kelder | Female nude, oil on canvas, 72.7 x 108.4 cm, signed l.l.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Female nude

    Toon Kelder | Female nude standing in the bathtub, oil on canvas, 56.0 x 46.3 cm, signed l.l. and dated '27

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Female nude standing in the bathtub

    Toon Kelder | Female nude, seen from the back, oil on canvas, 36.7 x 41.1 cm, signed l.l.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Female nude, seen from the back

    Toon Kelder | Female nude, standing, oil on canvas laid down on board, 32.7 x 17.8 cm, signed l.l.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Female nude, standing

    Toon Kelder | Female nudes, oil on canvas, 47.8 x 64.5 cm, signed l.l.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Female nudes

    Toon Kelder | Flower still life with fruit bowl, oil on panel, 58.5 x 44.5 cm, signed u.l.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Flower still life with fruit bowl

    Toon Kelder | Flowers, oil on canvas, 57.2 x 39.4 cm, signed l.l.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale


    Toon Kelder | Mother, feeding her baby, oil on canvas, 68.5 x 54.2 cm, signed u.l.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Mother, feeding her baby

    Toon Kelder | Nude seen from behind, oil on panel, 36.2 x 24.1 cm, signed l.l. and dated 45-46

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Nude seen from behind

    Toon Kelder | Peaches in a tin dish, oil on canvas, 32.3 x 43.3 cm, signed l.l. and dated '40

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Peaches in a tin dish

    Toon Kelder | Reclining female nude, pen, ink, chalk and watercolour on paper, 33.7 x 25.2 cm, signed l.l.

    Toon Kelder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Reclining female nude

    Toon Kelder | Reclining nude, oil on painter's board, 69.4 x 88.1 cm, signed l.r.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Reclining nude

    Toon Kelder | Reclining nude, pen and ink on paper (on board), 19.6 x 29.8 cm, signed l.r.

    Toon Kelder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Reclining nude

    Toon Kelder | Sleeping nude, pencil, chalk and oil on board, 53.9 x 65.0 cm, signed l.l.

    Toon Kelder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Sleeping nude

    Toon Kelder | Still life with roses, oil on board, 52.1 x 33.2 cm, signed l.l.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Still life with roses

    Toon Kelder | Three women, oil on canvas, 157.5 x 92.6 cm, signed u.r.

    Toon Kelder

    painting • for sale

    Three women

    Toon Kelder | Torso - muscle study, red chalk on paper, 25.0 x 18.7 cm, signed l.r.

    Toon Kelder

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    Torso - muscle study

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment